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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE


Writer's picture: Chet GladkowskiChet Gladkowski


and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.  This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.


1 Peter 1:4,5


We are so proud of our son Dan. He spent over 20 years in the Air Force protecting us and our country. He got to travel around the world and was in some pretty dangerous places, providing vital security and safety. And his hard work was rewarded with numerous promotions.


I had a vague idea about what he did and his responsibilities. But I never really understood or experienced this till he drove us on base one day. As his truck approached the guardhouse, these rather large people ran up and saluted. They were all armed to the teeth with rifles, pistols, knives, stun guns, and all sorts of other equipment that were meant to stop anyone and anything.


As they all saluted our son, I was confused. This was Dan. You know, just plain, ordinary, Dan. I was there when this small, slippery kid was born. I remember pulling a pair of melted tweezers out from an electric outlet because he thought it looked like where they belonged. We have this really cute picture of him at about 9 years old with curly blond hair holding a bunny. He worked behind the seafood counter of the grocery store. He sold popcorn and hotdogs at the movie theater.


Looking around at these guards, one thought ran through my head. Their appearance, words, and actions said one thing, and only one thing. “There’s something important and valuable behind this gate. Don’t even think about trying to get by me so you can take it. There ain’t no way you’re getting inside unless you’ve got special permission. So, don’t mess with us, or you’re going to experience the painful business end of our training and equipment.”


These guards, their training, their weapons, and even their appearance had one message. Stay out. They actively and aggressively kept everyone and everything out that had no business getting inside. They shielded valuable military resources and people.


You don’t shield things that have no value. If it has no value, then why bother. If someone takes or damages it, what’s the harm. It was worthless anyway. You just replace it or just forget it.


Peter tells everyone reading his letter that they are shielded by God. And why would God shield them? Because they are of infinite value to the creator and sustainer of the universe. They have been made in the image of God and that makes them not just valuable, but wildly valuable


But Peter doesn’t stop there. They aren’t just guarded by God, but by and through his power. The power of God lets him do and achieve anything he wants. He has the ability to do what is impossible for us. Things that we can’t even imagine.


We are not guarded by God in some imaginary way. It’s not just a nice, warm, fuzzy story to tell kids at bedtime. We were not meant to only think about God guarding us with his power at certain, special times.


Not on your life. Why do you think Peter puts this really important idea up front in the beginning of his letter? Because we’re to always remember and focus on the rock-solid truth that God is powerfully shielding us. Protecting us. Watching over us.


And why? Because we are so valuable to him. He wanted us back so very much that he came in Jesus Christ to pay off our eternal debt for us. He knew that we could never pay for ourselves, so he paid for us.


You see, it may seem really simple and silly to say, but we forget this really important truth. Being shielded isn’t something that just happens all by itself. Guarding doesn’t automatically pop out of nowhere. If we’re being guarded, then there is a guard. If we’re being watched, then there is someone who’s watching out for us. Watching over us.


This kind of active shielding isn’t hiding around a corner. They’re not behind the curtain or closed door. Not on your life. They’re right out in front of us for all to see. God wants us to see them as an encouragement of his active presence in out life. They are also there to warn the enemy to stay away.


As a kid, my brother went to a YMCA camp. An envelope came to the house with all sorts of information and details. Inside were all these cloth nametags that were to put on his clothes. Mom immediately grabbed them and sewed them on everything he took. Shirts. Pants. Even his underwear.


Why? Because they belonged to Don and mom wanted to make sure that everyone knew that. No one was going to walk off with his clothes because everything had his name on it. There was no confusion. There was no mistaking what was his. Everything was guarded because it had his name on it.


If you’ve given yourself to God through Jesus, then his name is on you. His Spirit is in you. We are his child. He is shielding us now and into all eternity. Talk about something to be grateful for. To be excited about. To be thankful for. This one truth can change the way we look at life. Being shielded by God is a game-changer.


Noodling Questions


  • How can the truth of being shielded by God change your life?

  • What makes us forget that we’re actively being shielded?

  • What can we say to encourage someone today about being shielded?


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