For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
Hebrews 11:10
Did you ever think that God was telling you to do something different? To change directions? To pick up and go somewhere you weren’t all that familiar with. Or maybe you knew someone who went through that.
The thing about going someplace new is that we always get there by looking forward. No one ever put a moving truck in reverse and drove to a new city. A new house. No one walked backwards into a new job. You’d think someone was crazy if they walked backwards towards you and then introduced themselves.
I know it’s really simple, but sometimes the greatest truths are just that. Simple. Straightforward. Not trying to impress anyone. What’s the old expression about the best place to hide something? You hide it in plain sight. And the same thing is true about going someplace. We always, always, always get there by going forward.
God’s call to Abraham was to go to someplace he’s never seen before. And as a matter of fact, God didn’t give him the destination either. This was to be a lifelong journey to the place that God would show him.
So, the writer of this letter describes Abraham’s trip as moving forward to a city. But not just another city. Not the next city on his trip. Not any city that’s listed on his itinerary. But “the” city. The one and only city worth looking for. Searching for. Traveling long distances for.
And this special city had something that no other city in the world had. It wasn’t beautiful buildings with great art. Or lots of lush, green parks for children to play. Or quiet paths where people could walk in the shade of trees. No, it had something that you couldn’t see. What made this city unique were three things.
Foundations. Not just one foundation, but many of them. One stone laid on the next. And then the next. One row of stones on top of the other. Not just thrown together in a pile, but each piece is carefully cut and crafted to fit evenly and tightly with one another.
Architect. This is the person who has more than just an idea for a city. They actually do something about it. They figure out where the different buildings go and how they connect with streets. And to make sure it’s put together in the right way, they draw out plans so others can see and build it.
Builder. You need someone to actually do the work of creating a city. Not only do they have to be strong, but they must have skills. They have to follow the plans someone else made. When they build, they’re not doing it for their own benefit, but for others.
Think about these three things for a minute. They all have something in common. It’s not something that just pops out in front of you. As a matter of fact, it’s just the opposite. These three things are all invisible. Yep, you can’t see them.
You see, foundations are below ground. And since the city is already built, the architect and builder are not around. Their work was done long ago. So, we have to take all three of these things by faith. We can’t see them, but we believe that they exist. We live our lives with the reality of them changing the way we think and act.
And that’s the point. That’s God’s genius of faith when it comes to Abraham. He had to move forward towards something that he couldn’t see. God gave him the journey a step at a time. One destination after another. Why? Because that’s the only way to keep trusting God by faith along the journey of life.
Just think about your life for a minute. Think back to when you graduated. What plans did you have? Where was your life heading? What things did you think you were going to accomplish? And then compare that to where you are today. I’d bet my bottom dollar that they’re wildly different.
My plan was to do the easiest thing possible. The safest thing imaginable. To do what many of my friends had already done. But instead, God took me down a completely different. One that I had no idea about. I didn’t know anyone who’d gone down this path.
But God gave me confidence in him to walk down this dark and lonely road with him. All along the way, he’s show up and told me that he was with me. That he was still in control. Even though there were rocky paths, his plan was still good. And when I tried to go my own way, he never abandoned me. He corrected me and put me back on his path.
This is the message that these Hebrews needed. And it’s the message that we need today. God does have a great and glorious plan for us. It might be difficult. It might not be what we want. But it’s still good. For his glory. For our good and the good of many people. So, now is the time to face forward and move with him. Forward toward the destination he has made us for. To do the good works that he’s prepared for us to do[1].
Noodling Questions
Describe the last time that God was moving you in a different direction.
Explain how God’s invisibility comforts you. Frustrates you. Strengthens you.
How is doing the easiest thing a sign of weakness?
[1] Ephesians 2:10