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Writer's pictureChet Gladkowski

Support SewPowerful's Sew-a-thon

Helping girls stay in school!

Hey there Friends, Mary Ann Gladkowski here.

Throughout my life, I’ve enjoyed sewing. It makes me feel like I can make a meaningful contribution and connection with someone that I wouldn’t normally come in contact with.

Many of you know that I’ve been sewing for SewPowerful (1) and its SewPowerful Purse Program. It's a Christian Ministry in poverty-stricken Zambia that is changing girls’ lives. SewPowerful offers these young girls health education about menstrual cycles and a SewPowerful Purse made to carry reusable sanitary napkins, undies, and soap. This purse is given to young girls who promise to continue their education and not fall behind by committing to attend school all the time.

It works like this. Thousands of people just like me sew these purses. I try to make each one unique and very special. The purses along with a personalized note are shipped from around the world to the SewPowerful Team in Zambia. The Zambia team then makes reusable sanitary pads and soap that’s put inside each purse along with undies. When the purses are handed out, they also provide health and hygiene training.

This year, 24,000 purses are going to arrive in Zambia. It costs about $10 for the supplies to fill each one. The team in Zambia has an incredibly low overhead rate, which is one of the reasons I like them. The women who make up the Zambia team are trained to sew the reusable sanitary pads and this job helps then to care for and feed their family.

To help meet this goal, SewPowerful has organized a Sew-A-Thon for the month of September. I'm going to do my best to make as many purses as possible in September. I’ve already started buying material and getting everything ready so I can hit the ground running.

So, here’s where you come in. I'd really appreciate your support. Together we can make a huge difference in the lives of these precious girls who are struggling to finish their education.

You can get involved by sponsoring me with a one-time gift, or a gift for each purse I make. Just CLICK HERE (2) to go to this website and enter my participant number, which is: 93905.

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about this.

So, why am I doing this? Because these precious girls in Zambia deserve the chance to go to school, receive a good lunch, and escape poverty through education. We are so blessed in this country compared to Zambia where things are much more desperate. While it breaks my heart, it energized me to do something about it. I hope you are also energized to do something with me.

(1) SewPowerful –

(2) Make a Gift –

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