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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE


Writer's picture: Chet GladkowskiChet Gladkowski


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


Colossians 2:6,7


Let’s face it. We like to get things. We like to receive presents. We like the goodies. We like the benefits. And what makes them all the better is that they cost us nothing. Someone else coughed up the money and we just receive all the advantages that were paid for out of someone else’s wallet.


And some people think that’s to be our life experience in this life. Full of things. Lots and lots of stuff. Lots of money. Lots of happiness and joy in our daily lives. But, if Jesus didn’t have that kind of earthly life, what makes us think that we will? That we deserve this kind of experience here on planet earth?


Paul points us to a unique kind of life in Christ Jesus. But it’s not one fill with stuff. It’s filled with spiritual blessings and an eternity with him. That’s what it’s all about. Not our few days here, but eternity with him.


To get us there with him, we were joined with him. Once and for all we became part of him through his death on the cross. We were once-and-for-all raised to newness of life with him through his resurrection. We not only moved from death to life, we were put right next to him and joined at the hip with him.


When we received Christ Jesus, he did all the paying and we did all the receiving. He came to earth. Lived like a servant. Was arrested and beaten. Dying on the cross. He did all the paying and we do the receiving. But how did we receive Jesus? What were the terms of us getting all this from God?


There’s a scene in The Crown when Queen Elizabeth walks out to dance with the Prime Minister of Ghana. As they meet, the Prime Minister talks about the significance of their dancing together. But before taking his hand, Queen Elizabeth asks if he knows the terms[1].


There’s only one term. Only one thing that we’ve got to do. We get all of him, but it costs us all of ourselves. That’s what it means to received him as Lord. We purposefully step down from running our lives and let him take over. He takes his rightful place as Lord of our lives. For today. Tomorrow, For all eternity.


There are five results that Paul talks lists here for the Colossians. And they apply to us today too.


  1. Live in him – We are to be actively walking with and in Jesus each and every day. Each and every moment. He is to be the reason we live. The reason why we say what we say. The reason for how we act. The motivation behind our attitudes and assumptions.

  2. Rooted – We not only were we rooted, but we’re still there. We’ve been dug down into Jesus with the present result that we are firmly anchored today. Our lives have been sunk down deep into Jesus. We’re living an unshakable life with him. When the storm comes, we will not be moved.

  3. Built up – We are continuously being built up in Christ and our faith. This building up isn’t happening just anywhere. Oh no. we’re being built up in God’s personal presence. In his neighborhood. In his kingdom. This building up is going on. And on. And on.

  4. Strengthened – Jesus is constantly putting together the pieces of our life in such a way that they not only fit together, but the pieces strengthen each other. He’s making each piece stronger today and constructing them into something stronger than the individual pieces.

  5. Overflowing with thanksgiving – The result is that we are to be presently and actively have a super abundance of thanksgiving bubbling out of our life. Like an underground stream that comes to the surface, it just flows and flows. There’s no stopping it. There’s no end to it.


Doesn’t a life where Jesus is Lord sound like a worthwhile life? A life worth living? A life that give us hope. Meaning. Purpose. A life that’s going somewhere. A life that worships God and serves people.


Notice that it’s not made perfect in this life. Not everything’s going to go your way today. Storms are headed your way that are stirred up by people you know. Or storms that are just part of this broken world.


When we receive Jesus as Lord, things don’t change. But we do. He gives us strength for today. He walks with us and holds us up as we go through the wind and rain that would destroy us. He puts covers us with his strong arms and lovingly protects us.


But this all starts when we receive Jesus as Lord. It begins when we bring all of our brokenness and our goodness to him. We lay them down at the foot of the cross. Then, and only then do we receive his righteousness. His Spirit. His power for today.


So, what’s stopping you? There’s only one thing that possibly hold you back. And that’s you. You alone are who’s pushing his offer of loving kindness away. We have no one else to blame. He’s paid for it all. What’s stopping you from receiving his payment for you?


Noodling Questions


  • List three things you like to receive in life. Explain why for each.

  • Of the five things listed above, which one is easiest? Hardest? Explain.

  • What things/people put on the breaks when it comes to receiving God’s grace?

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