For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:3,4
Whenever someone dies, there’s no hiding it. It’s always public. It’s always announced. News about their death is sent around the world through social media. It appears in the local papers. An official death certificate is created and available for all to see.
Death doesn’t disappear. It’s always there. There’s no hiding it or hiding from it. We might try to ignore it. Or even to hide from it. But no matter what, death always, always, always comes.
For since the first mention of death[1], it’s been a threat over everyone. While some have tried to deny it[2], it’s always been there. The end is certain, we’ll all turn back into dust[3]. After the gross sin of our first parents, death has overshadowed us like a giant umbrella.
That’s why Paul’s words about the Colossians dying is so huge. When Paul says that you died, he’s talking about their spiritual past. They are now dead to everything that separated from the living God and everything related to him. What they used to trust for getting back to God has been pushed to the side. All of it is dead and buried.
And when you’re dead to death, that means you’re alive. The only way to be dead to death is to be made alive again. And there’s only one thing that brings back the dead to life. Resurrection. They now have God’s resurrection life. They received it from God through Jesus’ death on the cross. His eternal life is now theirs. This is what fills their life with joy. Where they get God’s eternal energy to live for him each and every day.
No more trying to get God’s attention. Trying to make him happy so he doesn’t punish them. No more fear about God’s intentions or love for them. No more concern about where they’re going to spend eternity.
Their eternal life and destiny is completely secure and hidden with Christ. He’s doesn’t just have them in the palm of his hand. Oh no. They’re so much more secure than that. Christ has them inside his clenched fist. And no one can open his hand. But that’s not all. It’s even better than that.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.
John 10:28,29
If being in the hand of Jesus wasn’t enough, we’re in the hand of God the Father. The hands of God that made the earth and the heavens are the same hands that hold and protect us[4]. The hand of the Lord that gives life to every living thing is the same hand that loves and provides for us[5]
Now that we’re in God’s hand, there’s no doubt about where we’re going to spend the rest of time. It will be with Christ in glory. There’s an eternity waiting for the people who’ve put their trust in Jesus.
Now’s that not just reassuring, it’s a promise. A guaranteed assurance from the God of the universe. It’s locked up just like we’re in his hand where no one can get at us. Where’re we’re protected.
I know people that struggle with their feelings about if they’re going to heaven or not. They’re not certain about what happens when they die. They wonder if there’s an eternal life waiting for them. They just can’t get settled about it.
I understand. More than just understand, I get it. I was there. I was pushed back and forth about whether or not my “ticked was punched” for heaven. Where I was going to spend eternity.
Because of my background I flipped back and forth between fearing eternal pain and damnation in the fires of hell and that there was nothing after death. I had been brought up under evolution, believing that we’re just an accident from the Big Bang. We were made up of exploding star dust, and that’s exactly where we were headed back to.
But there’s no love or hope if we came from an explosion. There’s nothing worthwhile. No truth. No beauty. Everything, and I mean everything, is like space. Empty nothingness that headed nowhere. No wonder the world is filled with depression and anxiety.
But Jesus says that there’s a better way. A way full of life. Full of hope. Full of love. A life that comes from him. He’s the creator and sustainer of the universe. He’s got more than just the whole world in his hands. He’s got you, if you’ll give yourself to him. Jesus rose from the dead. He conquered death. Death is dead in Jesus. He’s where we find strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Come and receive him now.
Noodling Questions
Why is it so hard to handle death? Why do we run and hide from it?
How are the hands of Jesus comforting in the face of death?
Why does evolution not have any answers for death?
[1] Genesis 2:17,
[2] Genesis 3:4
[3] Genesis 3:19
[4] Isaiah 45:12
[5] Job 12:10