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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE

Friday-Big Talk

Writer's picture: Chet GladkowskiChet Gladkowski


They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.


Titus 1:16


It seems like some people can’t help themselves. They’ve got to be the center of attention. They have to put on a show wherever they go. They have this thirst to be the center of everything. They talk the big talk.


It’s not hard to picture them in our minds. We can still see and hear them. They knew everything there was to know. They alone had the inside track. Truth could only be found in their corner. On their website. In their social media posts. They not only knew it, but they also used it as a sledgehammer to beat everyone else over the head.


We’ve all met people just like this. Some have friends like this. Some of us have worked for people like this. And unfortunately, I’m sorry to say, some people have even been married to people like this.


And then there are those of us that were just like this kind of person. I hang my head in shame because I was that person. I was that arrogant and proud. I had all the answers. I was a fast-talking know-it-all that could out talk, out debate, and out-think most of the people I came in contact with.


But it was worse for me. Not only did I need to be the smartest person in the room, I also needed to be the funniest. I practiced different jokes on different people to test and see which ones got the biggest laughs.


Did you notice what I said? I didn’t want to be this way, I needed to be the smartest and funniest person. There was this deep emptiness in me that pushed me to become more and more arrogant. More and more funny.


Paul’s warning Titus about these big talkers. They love to talk and talk. They want to show off and change people’s minds. But they fail in the biggest test of all: they claim to know God, but by their actions deny him. They don’t practice what they preach.


This serious warning to Titus, and to us, is really practical to us today. These same kind of people are all around us. They claim to know God but their lives just don’t match up to what they’re saying.


In case you doubt this, just go onto any social media site and start sharing about who Jesus is and how he died once-and-for-all for all our sins. People from your neighborhood to those on the other side of the planet will start dumping on you. Telling you that you’re not only wrong, but an idiot. And then they’ll ask you for money.


Paul puts together this three-fold test for Titus to look for in people. And these same things are really good for us too.


  • Detestable. These people are spiritually stinky right now. They’re giving off a really bad smell that makes us turn away. Our reaction is to be repulsed. It’s so easy to detest them because their aroma makes us gag.We know that God has spoken in and through the Bible, so we need to compare what they say with what God’s already said. And since God never changes[1], anything that people say is from God has to agree with what God’s already said. If it doesn’t, then we know who’s wrong.

  • Disobedient. These people have all the information. They’ve heard all the arguments. And yet they’re still turning away. In their heads they get it but, in their hearts, they refuse to believe and follow God’s loving direction.These people have a streak in them that says they don’t have to answer to anyone else. That’s why they don’t have to follow anyone else’s rules. It sort of makes sense when you think about it. If they have all the answers, and they have all knowledge, then they get to break and make the rules too.

  • Doing nothing good. All the things these people to either please God or get their way are worthless from God’s point of view. Everything they do fails to pass God’s test, which is loving obedience to him.They are very active. What they do and say gets lots of attention from the media. Social media sites seem to promote their opinions. They say outlandish things, and this attracts people, which generates advertising dollars for the companies. And the wheel goes round and round.


When you look at the life of Jesus, he said some really huge things. He said that he and his Father were one[2]. He said that he was the only way to God[3]. He predicted his own death and resurrection[4]. He claimed to be God[5]. These are only some of the highlights. The list could go on and on. So, the real question is what are you going to do with this Jesus? You can’t just ignore him any longer.


Noodling Questions


  • How do you respond to people who want to be the center of attention?

  • Which one of Paul’s three-fold test is most difficult for you? Why?

  • How can we stop ignoring Jesus in our daily lives?

[1] Malachi 3:6, Numbers 23:19

[2] John 10:30

[3] John 14:6

[4] Mark 9:31

[5] John 10:33

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