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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE


Writer's picture: Chet GladkowskiChet Gladkowski

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Ephesians 6:19,20

Did you ever notice how and when people ask for prayer? There seems to be three kinds of prayer askers.

  1. Plodding – They’ve got life covered, they don’t need any help, they are just plodding along, cruising along through life. They don’t need God at all.

  2. Panicked – They come screaming for prayer when life is about to fall apart. They need God when they can’t handle some big situation.

  3. Persistent – These are the people that ask for prayer all the time. They take the “everything[1]” to mean just that.

When Paul asks for prayer, he’s both panicked and persistent. He knows that it’s a big deal to speak for Jesus and he wants to do it well. But notice how and when he asks for prayer.

  • First – For Me. Not for someone else, not some far-off missionary on the other side of the world that they’ve never met or heard of. No, it was personal. It was for him. He admitted that he needed help from God, and their help too.

  • Second – Whenever – The need for prayer didn’t increase or decrease depending on the size of the crowd. Whenever means whenever, at any time, at any place, no matter the size or who’s in the crowd.

  • Third – Speak. Yes, we have to speak. Sorry to disappoint, but you ALWAYS have to say something. How are they going to know your relationship with Jesus is behind your actions if you don’t speak up?

  • Fourth – Words. Words are the only tool in the toolbox when it comes to communicating. We need to use words that people understand, words that have meaning and feeling. What we say isn’t to impress, it’s got to be as plain as day.

It’s one thing to be prayed for. It’s one thing to speak for God. It’s one thing to be fearless when you speak. It’s one thing to say words that everyone can understand. But it’s something altogether different to do it fearlessly. To speak with confidence because you not only know the content, but you know the person you’re talking about.

And part of speaking with confidence and fearlessly is speaking with freedom. Not a political freedom of speech. Not a freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. But a freedom guaranteed by Christ.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8:36

Jesus doesn’t just give us freedom; he gives us an indeed kind of freedom. It’s a guaranteed kind of freedom. It’s a genuine kind of freedom. His freedom is really there for us. His freedom is always available. It’s the one and only genuine freedom available here on planet Earth.

So, how confident are you when you speak for God? When the door opens? When the opportunity presents itself? When someone asks a question? Do you speak fearlessly and with freedom? Or do you run for cover? Or do you just stand there, shaking all over?

If you need words and fearlessness to be given, it’s OK. You’re in good company. The Apostle Paul asked for help with his words. The man who walked into towns, spoke, and loads of people came to Christ, he asked for help and strengthening. The man that God used to plant churches wherever he went, needed words and freedom.

When you feel like you need God’s power, I’m right there with you. It’s when we don’t think we need any help that we’re in trouble. When you say those popular words, “I’ve got this” is when you’re in the most trouble

Which brings up the question: do you trust what you know? Do you really believe it? Do you know it well enough that you can share it without stumbling around, searching for it in your brain?

But more importantly, do you trust in who you know? Are you resting in the one who died for you? Are you relaxing in your relationship with him? Are you comfortable with Jesus taking care of you, no matter whether you know the answers or not?

Yes, we need to work at knowing the truth, because the truth will set us free[2]. We need to practice answering the questions that most people ask, so we’ll be equipped and ready to help them[3]. So, let’s get busy. Working in our Father’s field.

Noodling Questions

  • What’s your natural reaction when there’s an opportunity to speak? Why?

  • Why don’t you go looking for opportunities to speak for Jesus?

  • How can you better prepare to speak with power and freedom?

[1] Philippians 4:6,7 [2] John 8:32 [3] 2 Timothy 3:17

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